HiRes - Splatter Brushes
par KeepWaiting
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General Terms of Use
For additional information view my terms on my main userpage.
You may not claim my resources as your own or upload them to your DeviantArt account.
These resources are for non-commercial, personal use (May not be used for sales or profit).
Please do not hotlink the download file on either my DA account or Dirt2.com
To upload my resources onto your "Downloads" or "Resources" website please contact me first.
Optionally comments, favorites and Thank You's are very much appreciated.
To Use Commercially
To use these brushes on commercial projects, prints or sale you can:
Donate $5.00 to me via Paypal.com (to services@dirt2.com
Donate a 1 month DeviantArt subscription ($4.95)
To send money using another method please Note Me.
+ Commercial Usage Includes All Media: Television, Print, Products, Advertising, Clothing etc.
+ Commercial Use Donation Covers Unlimited Usage for 1 Brush Set/Theme
+ Prices are per brush theme (ex. Grunge Brushes 1, Textures 2).
Sharing is Caring

brush photoshop Dessin
30 brushes dans le pack
General Terms of Use
For additional information view my terms on my main userpage.
You may not claim my resources as your own or upload them to your DeviantArt account.
These resources are for non-commercial, personal use (May not be used for sales or profit).
Please do not hotlink the download file on either my DA account or Dirt2.com
To upload my resources onto your "Downloads" or "Resources" website please contact me first.
Optionally comments, favorites and Thank You's are very much appreciated.
To Use Commercially
To use these brushes on commercial projects, prints or sale you can:
Donate $5.00 to me via Paypal.com (to services@dirt2.com
Donate a 1 month DeviantArt subscription ($4.95)
To send money using another method please Note Me.
+ Commercial Usage Includes All Media: Television, Print, Products, Advertising, Clothing etc.
+ Commercial Use Donation Covers Unlimited Usage for 1 Brush Set/Theme
+ Prices are per brush theme (ex. Grunge Brushes 1, Textures 2).
Sharing is Caring
Brush Gratuit à usage personnel. Pas d'utilisation commerciale.