Environment Brushes

par TheEchoDragon
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brush photoshop Environment Brushes

brush photoshop Nature

38 brushes dans le pack

A collection of all the brushes I find myself dabbling with when doing environment artwork. Typically a select few are used much more than the others but they all certainly have their uses. The image in the background is made entirely using the brushes found in this set, with every brush being used at least once. I normally don't use them so extensively or so exclusively when painting and I certainly don't encourage it, but in the very least it shows what they can achieve. Please remember folks that good art is not all about the brushes you use. They are as much a tool as photoshop itself and should be viewed as such when you're still learning.

Some of the brushes have been made by myself and the rest have been tweaked from others that are freely available on the internet.

They should all work in Photoshop CS3 and above but I cannot vouch for older versions, sorry

Hopefully some of you will find them as useful as I have over the years

Brush Gratuit à usage personnel. Pas d'utilisation commerciale.

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