Splatter Swirls&Floral
par Coby17
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brush photoshop Ornements
12 brushes dans le pack
Credit me if you take/use! :iconcoby17:
:bulletpurple: Some of the brushes/walls are based in vector files,
therefore, there's no permision for comercial/empresarial
usage of the brushes, you need to buy the
original vector file for that
:bulletpurple: I don't accept notes regarding permmission for the same subject stated above
:bulletpurple: Feel free to use for other things without asking! (personal use, DA, etc.),
but i'll be glad to know
:bulletpurple: Some of the brushes/walls are based in vector files,
therefore, there's no permision for comercial/empresarial
usage of the brushes, you need to buy the
original vector file for that
:bulletpurple: I don't accept notes regarding permmission for the same subject stated above
:bulletpurple: Feel free to use for other things without asking! (personal use, DA, etc.),
but i'll be glad to know
Brush Gratuit à usage personnel. Pas d'utilisation commerciale.