Swirls and Flourishes
par Obsidian Dawn
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brush photoshop Ornements
23 brushes dans le pack
Brushes: 23
Version: Photoshop 7+, Photoshop Elements 2+, GIMP 2.2.6+
A set of brushes made up of various swirls, ornamental designs, and flourishes. Most of these will work great as corner brushes. These are a bit more design oriented than my first swirls set, which was just swirls. These have some flowers added to some, different textures, dots, circles, and various other ornamentations.
(A big thank you to Diane Burton, who designed one of the brushes base
Pour une utilisation commercial, trouvez la licence ici : http://www.obsidiandawn.com/commercial-licenses
Version: Photoshop 7+, Photoshop Elements 2+, GIMP 2.2.6+
A set of brushes made up of various swirls, ornamental designs, and flourishes. Most of these will work great as corner brushes. These are a bit more design oriented than my first swirls set, which was just swirls. These have some flowers added to some, different textures, dots, circles, and various other ornamentations.
(A big thank you to Diane Burton, who designed one of the brushes base
Pour une utilisation commercial, trouvez la licence ici : http://www.obsidiandawn.com/commercial-licenses
Brush Gratuit à usage personnel. Pas d'utilisation commerciale.